Rally Support for a Noble Cause

Organize events and campaigns to raise funds for UMMA Relief's projects.

Ways to help:

Partner your business or organization with UMMA Relief.
Offer in-kind support or services.
Co-host awareness and fundraising events.
Want to Become a
Hands-On Helper?
How you want to help:
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Make a Difference, One Stream at a Time

Streaming has the power to unite, inspire, and bring about change. At UMMA Relief, we believe in the strength of community and the impact that every individual can make. Now, we invite you, the streaming community, to join our mission in helping children in need across Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, and Morocco.
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How You Can Help:

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Host Charity Streams

Dedicate one of your streams to UMMA Relief. Whether you’re on Twitch, YouTube, or any other platform, your streaming can be a beacon of hope for children in distress.

Donate a Portion of Your Revenue

Consider dedicating a fraction of your streaming revenue to our cause. Whether it's a one-time donation or a monthly commitment, every bit helps us make a tangible difference in the lives of children.

Engage & Educate Your Audience

Share stories, updates, and milestones from our projects. Let your viewers see the incredible impact their support can make. Provide them with the knowledge and motivation to join our cause, and together, we can create a ripple effect of change.

Why Stream for UMMA?

Direct Impact

Funds raised through streaming go directly into our initiatives focused on immediate relief, malnutrition combat, education provision, and water access.

Be a Voice

You have the platform and the voice. Use it to shed light on issues that often remain in the shadows. Be an advocate for change.


Strengthen your bond with your audience by rallying around a noble cause. Together, you and your viewers can create a legacy of kindness and compassion.

Ready to Make a Change?

How you want to help:
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